Sunday, January 31, 2010


Dear Bloggers,

Good morning! How did you sleep? I slept good. THEN I WOKE UP.That was a living night mare. I woke up stopped up. When I blow my nose NOTHING comes out and i sound like an ELEPHANT. Yesterday I was pretty sure i had coughed up my lungs. Does that ever happen to you? I hate going to school with a cold. I do because when you're in class , you can't just get up and blow your nose as hard as you can!!! It's very embarrassing. Anyways. What's your story?

Monday, January 25, 2010


Dear Bloggers,
I want to introduce you to the little girl I tutor. Oh, she is just the sweetest thing. Unfortunately, she doesn't know how to read. I guess that's why I'm her tutor! Anyway she's a little 5 yr. old black girl. She's very shy, and somehow I managed to get through to her.When I walked in the room she was sitting there looking as if she did not want to be there and was forced in the chair against her will. When I started asking her to read all I got was " uh....I don't know," along with a frown and fidgety fingers. I FINALLY got her to read by picking her up and letting her sit in my lap. By this time I would say, "Sam can run." Then she would say "Swam cwan rwun." And I'm thinking, "Ohhhh!!!!! How cute!!!!"

While she was sitting in my lap she would put her hands on mine while I was reading (HOW CUTE CAN SHE GET???????). Her hands were half the size of my palm. When i was calling out colors to her we came across yellow. I would say, "What word is that?" and she would say, "lellow," as if she was never more sure of anything. "No, it's YELLOW." "I know, lellow." Or if I said "blue," she would say "boo." I almost died of her cuteness. When we finished a book, i would say ," Do you realize you just read a book?". And she would say , " and i did it allll by MYSELF." And i would sya " yep, you sure did!"I really hope she gets better at reading! She has such potential! Keep her in your prayers! I think she needs it.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Welcome to my blog. This is my first time writing one! Hi, I'm Anna Rhea. I'm a southern gal most definitely. Today was my father's birthday. Unfortunately, he is out of town. I often go hunting w/ him. he is probably the best dad there ever was. I am very much a daddy's girl. Sometimes, he takes me on special dates too. yep, he's awsome. :) I really love him a lot. He treats me and my brothers and mom with special attention individually. I looooovvvvvvvvveeeeee my daddy. HAPPY BDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's kinda weird doing a blog because you don't know if anyone's out there reading what you wrote. I hope someone does!!!

Anna Rhea